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Essentials of investments / Zvi Bodie (cop. 2013)
Essentials of investments
de Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
The market leading undergraduate investments textbook, Essentials of Investments, 9e by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, emphasizes asset allocation while presenting the practical applications of investment theory. The authors have eliminated unnecessary mathematical detail and concentrate on the intuition and insights that will be useful to practitioners throughout their careers as new ideas and challenges emerge from the financial marketplace. The Ninth Edition includes increased attention to changes in market structure and trading technology, while continuing to be organized around one basic theme – that security markets are nearly efficient.
Biblioteca Financera Ramon Trias Fargas - IEF
Av. Josep Tarradellas, 123, 2ª planta
08029 Barcelona
(+34) 93 412 44 31
Horari: de dilluns a divendres de 10h a 18h. pmb