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Financial management / Jae K. Shim (cop. 2000)
Financial management
de Jae K. Shim, Joel G. Siegel
Titles in this practical series speak to men and women who are starting a company or managing an ongoing small-to-medium-size business. Emphasis is on daily operations, as well as on analyzing problems and solving them. Books offer examples and approaches based on true-to-life business situations. All new editions of Business Library titles are being produced in a new paperback format that features handsome covers of high quality and durability. The authors of this volume review methods of controlling a business's capital, purchasing and amortizing capital equipment, projecting operating costs, meeting ongoing expenses, and other aspects of financial management required to keep a business operating.
Biblioteca Financera Ramon Trias Fargas - IEF
Av. Josep Tarradellas, 123, 2ª planta
08029 Barcelona
(+34) 93 412 44 31
Horari: de dilluns a divendres de 10h a 18h. pmb